The tides of change have unfortunately caught up with our club. For the first time in 42 years, there will not be a STBGFC season this year.
Though there are a few reasons we decided to make this move, in the end it simply came down to the lack of boats out there able to participate. The world has changed. Our club was originally started back in 1982 because there were so many friends fishing on the weekends anyway, why not organize and have some friendly competition. Further, everyone was harvesting the billfish they caught (because we didn’t know any better). So the club not only organized all of those friends, but more importantly, gave them a good reason to release most of those billfish. Fast forward to 2024… plain and simple, there are just not enough boats physically here to fish in our tournaments. So no matter how much or what we tried to keep interest up in our club, in the end, nothing was truly going to work without enough boats.
We say “pause” because we would absolutely like to keep our club alive. We will revisit the situation in 2025. If, by then, things have changed enough for there to be sufficient interest we will once again start a new season.
Rest assured this was not a decision that was taken lightly. For a few years we tried to keep this club going if for no other reason than for our forefathers and families that started all of this 42 years ago. But, in the end, we all agreed that they would have made this same decision.
We do have some t-shirts left over if anyone is interested. While we are pausing our tournaments, we will still have a few expenses so those proceeds will help with that. If you are interested or have any other questions please give Matt a call at 956-678-9978.
We would definitely like to keep this club alive so if you do find new interest please do not hesitate to let us know.